Sunday, July 16, 2023

Cutie On Aisle 7 & Other works

1. Cutie On Aisle 7                      

2. Sketch Of A Sex Scene In The Work Place

3. The Patient Oak                                

4. The Patient Oak ( preliminary drawing )

5. Sketch Of A Nude Man            

6. Sketch Of A Nude Man Posing                    

7. Sketch Of A Nude Man Wearing A Crown

8. Sketch Of A Male Face           

1. " Cutie On Aisle 7 " is one of my favorite, pieces from the comic strips, I have made so far. I am pleased with the way it turned out, overall. This strip was created without preliminary sketches. I did my most used approach, of drawing spontaneously, and allowing one scene to lead into the next. I did draw the layout with a pencil, before inking it. I love how the foot fetish, is expressed in this particular story. And my lines are stronger than most of the previous strips.

2. This is one of my favorite sketches. " Sketch Of A Sex Scene In The Work Place " was done with a ballpoint pen, as were many sketches during this period. I really like how the bottom turned out, as it was not expected. The coffee mug, lying on its side, suggests that this was a sudden act of aggressive sex. There was much disregard, for anything on the table. It seems to have been repressed sexual tension, that was suddenly released.

 3. The trees that I draw, are like self portraits of my spirit. They represent the life of my spiritual existence. And depending upon, what I was feeling at the time, when these tree drawings were created, determined my chosen title. " The Patient Oak ", represents what I was experiencing during this period. I was remaining patient, during a period, in which, my anxiousness had been triggered often. I was working on multiple pieces, while coping with other obligations, and trials, regarding family, work, faith and everyday life.

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