Sunday, July 30, 2023

Apple Bottom Brotha & Other Works

1. Apple Bottom Brotha                    

2. Nude Man Relaxing After A Bath

3. Heavy                                          

4. Sketch Of A Man With Butterfly Wings

5. Sketch Of Two Lovers                   

6. Untitled # 88                                                   

7. Sketch Of A Man On The Beach

8. Sketch Ideas For A Character

1. One of my favorite positions to draw of the male figure, consists of him sitting in a chair. His back faces the viewer. And his bare feet and buttocks are exposed. "Apple Bottom Brotha (second version)" is definitely the exhibit and representation, of such a title. I particularly like this version because of the texture and color, achieved from my colored pencils. I love how the feet soles turned out. And the shoes give a great contrast in color. It entices the fetish, one may have, regarding feet and shoes.

2. "Nude Man Relaxing, After A Bath (first version)" satisfied me overall, for a colored pencil drawing. It was the first time, that I recall using the medium to draw a white individual. This piece was inspired by some ideas, that I had, regarding homosexuality in ancient times. I did some research about the athletes and gladiators, bonding with each other in homoerotic behaviors. And I also wondered about various cultures that mingled, and had sexual relationships, perhaps that were unknown. I had an idea about the Roman athlete or warrior, crossing the seas, and intermixing with other men in African territories.

3. "Heavy" is a piece, that I did, way back in 2007! I decided to pull it out from the vault. It has great potential, to share a space with my more recent drawings. I was experimenting with colored pencils and color schemes, during this period. And I created a series of drawings, involving this naked man, holding an umbrella. He wears a hat, and poses in various positions. This was my favorite one, from the series.


Sunday, July 16, 2023

Cutie On Aisle 7 & Other works

1. Cutie On Aisle 7                      

2. Sketch Of A Sex Scene In The Work Place

3. The Patient Oak                                

4. The Patient Oak ( preliminary drawing )

5. Sketch Of A Nude Man            

6. Sketch Of A Nude Man Posing                    

7. Sketch Of A Nude Man Wearing A Crown

8. Sketch Of A Male Face           

1. " Cutie On Aisle 7 " is one of my favorite, pieces from the comic strips, I have made so far. I am pleased with the way it turned out, overall. This strip was created without preliminary sketches. I did my most used approach, of drawing spontaneously, and allowing one scene to lead into the next. I did draw the layout with a pencil, before inking it. I love how the foot fetish, is expressed in this particular story. And my lines are stronger than most of the previous strips.

2. This is one of my favorite sketches. " Sketch Of A Sex Scene In The Work Place " was done with a ballpoint pen, as were many sketches during this period. I really like how the bottom turned out, as it was not expected. The coffee mug, lying on its side, suggests that this was a sudden act of aggressive sex. There was much disregard, for anything on the table. It seems to have been repressed sexual tension, that was suddenly released.

 3. The trees that I draw, are like self portraits of my spirit. They represent the life of my spiritual existence. And depending upon, what I was feeling at the time, when these tree drawings were created, determined my chosen title. " The Patient Oak ", represents what I was experiencing during this period. I was remaining patient, during a period, in which, my anxiousness had been triggered often. I was working on multiple pieces, while coping with other obligations, and trials, regarding family, work, faith and everyday life.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

We Real Cool & Other Works

1. We Real Cool                                        

2. Red Bikini ( pencil version )

3. Adaptation From The Comic Strip " Plugged "

4. Sketches for a character named Marlin

5. Sketch of nude male couple in nature

6. Sketch of two nude men on a bed

7. Sketch of two men wrestling

8. Sketch of two men engaging in foreplay

1. The title of this piece was inspired by poet Gwendolyn Brooks's poem " We Real Cool ".

We Real Cool
by Gwendolyn Brooks

We real cool. We
Left school. We

Lurk late. We
Strike straight. We

Sing sin. We
Thin gin. We

Jazz June. We
Die soon.

The drawing was inspired by my perceptions of seeing numerous men, with their pants sagging below their waists. It is such an erotic and seductive fashion statement to me, that I decided to create a piece celebrating it! It does not matter what size or shape these men are, they all follow the trend of sagging their pants. Regardless of their sexual preference or moral stance, in which I am unaware of, they expose their underwear. And this exposes the shape and sizes of their genitals and butts. It seems to be a form of rebellion. But I often wonder how much do they consider who is watching, and looking for arousal, when men decide to dress like this. Especially the men with protruding butts, that are so noticeable, even if the pants were pulled up! But it does not seem to matter. The men are often within a reckless are cocky state of mind. The style of dress is just the icing on the cake. This was a personal favorite of mine, during the period, in which it was created. It was one of my best efforts, then. And I often consider my pencil drawings to be my most polished work, because of the ability to erase and redraw for corrections. But, it is also the reason I rarely enjoy or create with the medium, now. It encourages the habit of erasing and fixing things that I dislike at the time. I am not encouraged to accept the unconscious efforts of my markings to tell a story, such as when I draw with ballpoint pen and ink washes.


Samuel's Blue & Other Works

 I have been drawing trees exclusively in the past months. This is caused by my spiritual transformation. I want to express a more universal...