Sunday, November 20, 2022

The Orgy & Other Drawings

1. The Orgy                                      

2. Sketch Of Nude Men Making Out In A Bathhouse

3. Title Page Experiment For The Grower

1. I actually appreciate " The Orgy " more now, than I did, when it was created. I favor the man centered, and lying on his stomach, with both ends preoccupied. I drew him first, and added the other men around him, until the space was filled with active bodies. And the dark background, allows the eyes to rest. And my advocacy for safe sex was included, with the condoms, lying on the bed. I like how the size of these men turned out, with the contrast and nuances of complexions and feet soles, that are displayed.

2. " Sketch Of Nude Men Making Out In A Bath House " is one of my favorite sketches, now that I have chosen it as one to share online. I could recreate this piece with more detail, but it would not have the same effect as the original. I know this from years of experience, with rough sketches. That magic exists, untouched in the first approach. And any tampering with it for " improvement " takes away from its visual potency. It can still be redrawn, for a different effect and quality. But, I love this piece, just as it is.

3. I looked over some old layout pages, I created, for a comic book, regarding "Title Page Experiment For The Grower" and thought they still have a lot of potential. I was enthusiastic about making a comic book for the short story, I had written. I think one of the reasons, I abandoned the idea, was because I could not decide on a medium to use. I considered pen and ink washes, but I was also experimenting with colored pencils being used to create comics too. I lost interest, and returned to creating individual drawings, with my ballpoint pens and washes. But, I have a different approach, that I intend to take now, to see what happens with the efforts I make in the near future.


Sunday, November 6, 2022

Music Lover & Other Drawings

1. Music Lover                                

2. Men Having Sex In A Chair        

3. Nude Man On Knees ( 3rd version )

4. Squatting On It Bouncing On It    

5. Mandala ( A New Star Awakens Out Of Dormancy 

1. Sometimes I would rather call such drawings as " Music Lover " sketches instead of drawings, because of the " flaws " I see. But, this is yet another result of the immediacy of many drawing, that were created, without preliminary sketches. It was my need to just get things down. This is another drawing of one of my muses, that I named Forde. He is projecting the lowered towel swag, that I mentioned in " Man Shaving ". He has an Ipod, or Mp3 player attached to his towel, as he properly positions the earphones, to achieve the best fit on his head.

2.  The positioning of these two, in " Men Having Sex In A Chair ", turned out in a satisfactory way. This was drawn on one of the solid mat board pieces, to see how much I preferred working on them. One thing I remember, is the ink washes absorbing faster into the texture of the boards. It was not the more preferable choice, compared to using Bristol board, in which I returned to using.

3. " Nude Man On Knees ( 3rd version ), is one of my favorite poses to draw. Especially when it consists of a man, this size. I really liked how the first version turned out. But, because I liked it so much, I wanted to create a more premeditated version, in which I penciled the figure, and made adjustments, before inking over the results. I enlarged his body, and slightly altered the hair texture. Among the four versions I created, the first one is still my favorite. The second version appeared to have been lost in translation, when I attempted to approach the hatching differently.

4. " Squatting On It ( Bouncin' On It ) ", was a real trip to create. I had no idea of how it would turn out, or if it would even be worth finishing. But, each new detail, made me want to keep drawing, to see what would happen next, as a result. It aroused me so, that I wanted to keep drawing and layering washes until I was satisfied. I took a chance on the mirror reflection, as I knew the permanent ballpoint ink, would not be changeable. I remember sitting up in bed, as I created this piece, and feeling so comfortable and relaxed.

5. " Mandala ( A New Star Awakens Out Of Dormancy ) " was inspired by my interest in Mandalas. And reading certain books by Carl Jung, inspired my interest in Mandalas. I was introduced to the idea of the circle, symbolizing the self and the psyche/soul. Self analysis, is important to me, as it pertains to psychology and mental health. And this piece, is about my true self, blossoming as a late bloom, into existence, and beginning to express itself openly.


Samuel's Blue & Other Works

 I have been drawing trees exclusively in the past months. This is caused by my spiritual transformation. I want to express a more universal...