Monday, August 29, 2022

Foot Fetish No. 4 & Other Drawings

1. Foot Fetish No. 4                             

2. Foot Fetish No. 5                          

3. Foot Fetish No. 6                        

4. Hurricane Katrina No. 3                                  

5. Hurricane Katrina No. 4                                  

Untitled No. 12                                 


1. Foot Fetish No. 4, is contrasted very well, with the ink wash applications. It builds up suspense, in the series. I remember working on this, while visiting my parents, for a special gathering. When there was an occasional moment, of sitting around, discussing random subjects, I decided to steal some time, and worked on it briefly.

2. Foot Fetish No. 5, is one of my favorites in this series. He imagines, having a chance to engage with the man's feet. It would be a fantasy, finally coming true. The desire becomes so intense, he develops an erection, while watching him walking into his home. My partner at the time of this production, stood over me, to see what I was working on and he suddenly laughed.

3. Foot Fetish No. 6, is my favorite drawing, in this series! It is also one of my favorite drawings, that I have ever created! I was very satisfied, with the way this piece turned out. It was not something, I expected to be so pleasing. But, when one draws a subject they love, it causes them to give a certain amount of time and effort, when creating it. The sense of delight, and perhaps laughter on the man's face satisfies my senses, as a viewer, of this finished work. It expresses an " You got me! " experience.

4. There was a story I heard on the radio, during hurricane Katrina's peak. It inspired Hurricane Katrina No. 3. A reporter explained how a man struggled to stay on a rooftop, with his family. His wife could barely hang on, before suddenly being washed away. The man was with their children, as he instantly lost his wife. He was hysterical, when they interviewed him, shortly, after the tragic incident. he explained how he struggled to help her stay with him. And he was questioned about, whether he knew where she was. And he emotionally responded " Can't find her body! Her (she) gone! "

5. I imagined all of the bodies that drowned, and floated away into various areas of high water. And those that were lost and never found. I created Hurricane Katrina No. 4, in memorial of such horror.


Sunday, August 14, 2022

Foot Fetish No.1 & Other Drawings

1. Foot Fetish No.1                            

2. Foot Fetish No.2                         

3. Foot Fetish No.3                          

4. Hurricane Katrina No.1                

5. Hurricane Katrina No.2                 

1. Foot Fetish No.1, was just an individual piece, initially. I began to draw a face, during my lunch break. I decided to surround him with foliage, and make it a night scene. And then I thought, " Well, what could he be looking at, so secretively? " This is when I figured, that there could be a developing story. The shadows and traces of light, created by my ink washes, intrigued me so, that I wanted to extend this narrative into a little series.

2. So, I decided in " Foot Fetish No.2 ", to show the man stalking someone. I wanted to create a homoerotic narrative, because it is my favorite work, to produce, of course. The man appears to be in a dream-like state. It is as if he had this dream of following a man, in which he strangely desired. The other man seems to sense, he is being watched, but does not feel alarmed. Perhaps he is aware that he is being desired, and welcomes the voyeurism, in a flirtatious manner, of appearing rather oblivious.

3. It is a treat for him to watch the man, ascend the staircase, in " Foot Fetish No.3 ". He can see the exposed heels, and soles more clearly, with each striving step. I find it interesting to draw close-ups of subjects, because I have rarely done this. It has not been done enough, on my part, with capturing this perspective, of one of my favorite anatomical features of the male.

4. Hurricane Katrina No. 1, is about the devastating catastrophe, that destroyed New Orleans and surrounding areas. I remember hearing about the disaster on the radio, in the morning, while being at work, and feeling helpless. It really affected me, because I quickly learned how the efforts for relief, can change, depending on race and class. This natural force, caused water to rise high above the land of this vulnerable city, and uproot the lives of struggling civilians. It even killed many of them! I wanted to do something, with the information being processed in my mind, regarding the horrors of the victims' testimonies, about survival and loss. I decided to do a series to cope with the emotional connection, I experienced, while continuing to create my " Lynching Blues " and " Body Machine " series.

5. Hurricane Katrina No. 2, is a disturbing piece to look at. But, it is my favorite, of the series. The most vulnerable are involved, of the human race, in which consists of children and the elderly. Everything and everyone within the area, became helpless victims, after the breaking of the levees. The waters arose at a rapid pace, with massive winds, possessing such power, to rip apart homes and fragile buildings. I see the desperation in this piece, and clinging to dear life, literally.


Monday, August 1, 2022

On The Beach & Other Drawings

1. On The Beach                              

2. Lunch Break                               

3. Lunch Break # 2                           

4. James Baldwin                              

5. Ringleader                                      

6. Portrait Of A Man With Receding Hair

7. Good Eatin'                                                        

8. Man Masturbating                       

9. Man Masturbating # 2                

1. " On The Beach ", has three different versions. One, in colored pencil, on a 14 x 17 inch size of paper. And another version, with the micron pens. This version, was drawn on mat board, and I used a brush, to draw the lines. Like the other pieces done with this method, my enthusiasm was limited. I returned to relying on pen lines, for my favorite effect. I like the little sand castle, and the row of a small wave, crashing over the shore, in this piece.

2. " Lunch Break ", was fun to create. I am still realizing how stylized my work can be. It is very distinctive, and I am grateful for this, but it also challenges my perspective, when compared to my more current drawings. But I appreciate the idea of this piece! It was inspired by another period of sexual frustration, while I was dealing with being at work.

3. " Lunch Break # 2 ", satisfied me with the overall results. The washes blended very well. I like the look, in the bottoms eyes. He seems so inviting, and very willing to give himself. His expression seems to suggest, " take it ". It also appears, that the values between light and dark were relevant to me more, than they were with previous drawings. I began to focus on including the range, on the value scale, more appropriately.

4. " James Baldwin ", was created after I read one of the books on James Baldwin, entitled " Vintage Baldwin". This drawing was adapted from the photograph, on the cover. My sister introduced me to Baldwin. He is one of her favorite writers. She too is a writer, and she has offered a lot of information, about great individuals in history, that could inspire me. She lent me a documentary entitled " The Price of The Ticket ", about Baldwin's life and career. I wrote a poem about the experience, after watching it, and read it to her over the phone. There is a scene in the beginning of the documentary, of his funeral. I told her, how much I loved that African drummers led the casket through the church, as they sang and chanted. I loved the sound and meaning of it all. We were watching it together then. She said she would do the same thing for me, if I had a funeral.

5. " Ringleader ", was inspired by someone who lived in my apartment complex, years ago. He was very popular, and often had a lot of company, day and night. There would be noise and music, late at night, disturbing my sleep. I would see gatherings, outside of the building in which he lived in. It had such an impact on the area, that I decided to draw a picture of him, from my own perspective.

6. " Portrait Of A Man With Receding Hair ( First version ) ", was done in my typical ballpoint pen, and ink wash. I decided to redraw it using the Micron pens, at a later date, in which has been posted, much earlier in one of my past entries, with the same title.


Samuel's Blue & Other Works

 I have been drawing trees exclusively in the past months. This is caused by my spiritual transformation. I want to express a more universal...