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Galvin & Other Drawings

1. Galvin                                           

2. Pete                                             

3. While My Lover Sleeps ( 2nd version )

4. Walking Along The Plaza              

5. Yearning                                      

1. " Galvin ", had a simple approach to it as a drawing. I drew the figure in pencil, and used a ballpoint pen to ink over it. This is one of the few drawings, in which I used pencil first to lay down an idea, during this period. I was not excited about the predictability of it. I became bored too easily with using a pencil first, because I was able to correct the drawing, and possibly miss a learning experience. I did like using less shades of ink washes. It was a clean, simple drawing, with neat hatching marks. It works, when there is empty space surrounding the subject. But I prefer to add surroundings, and fill the entire composition. I decided to give him the name Galvin, because he looks like he could have such a name. Sometimes, I see people, and their names seem so appropriate, for their appearance and character.

2. " Pete ", and " Galvin ", really have inspired me to strongly consider revisiting this process of drawing. As I view these two drawings, I really want to return to a simple approach, to my subjects. I still want to use ink washes, but the multiple layers and shadings, often complicate my process, to a point of no return. Ink is notorious for this, because of its bold and permanent nature. But, I look at this drawing, and realize an example of how less can be more. I sometimes, think that the added shadows and light source imitation, are unnecessary, for my ideas and style. Most of the time, I do not mind if my drawing is just a drawing, and not an attempt to capture some sense of realism. But, my hatching and crosshatching can supply this, without the random layers of washes.

3. " While My Lover Sleeps ( 2nd Version ) ", was another early experiment, with the Micron pens. I wanted to revisit the original version, without washes. I was curious to see how well, my lines and hatching marks, held a drawing of an interior with figures included together, without appearing to "flat"
or " busy ". It was very different, from the first version, There is more detail and definition.

4. " Walking Along The plaza ", was inspired by another one of my visits to a shopping mall. I was there with my mom, and she was looking for some things to buy. I was observing the various men, that
strolled the walkways. Some of them alone, and others with friends, it seemed. They were beautiful, and wore various fashions. It appeared to me, that they were " hip " in their own unique way. It was a little  "black Mecca" that inspired me to adopt my own version of it. I made it more Afrocentric, to represent the ideas I had at the time.

5. " Yearning ", is one of my early erotic pieces, that satisfied me, after attempts with pen and ink washes. I became more inspired to pursue this direction of drawing my subjects, after accomplishing a more solid blend. I would develop further over the years, but this one is a reminder, of the purpose and direction, that I felt my art should go. The title was inspired by an Oliver Nelson tune, on his legendary album entitled "The Blues And The Abstract Truth" . " Yearnin' ", is one of my favorites on the all star quintet LP.



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