Saturday, April 30, 2022

Man Riding Another Man & Other Drawings

1. Man Riding Another Man             

2. Man Standing Beside Car                                

3. Man Standing In Closet                

4. The Writer                                     

5. Man Standing Before A Mirror     

1. Man Riding Another Man, is another piece that was drawn with a brush and ink, with washes added. It was also done on a scrap piece of mat board. This is a position I like to draw, and it produces various outcomes, regardless of how it is created. This is a good angle to draw, because it displays the most in depth physical perspective of this sexual position, while including much space of the room within the same setting.

2. Man Standing Beside Car, was an early attempt at drawing a car effectively. It is reminiscent of a vintage photograph, and this was my intention. It looks like the time period is around the nineteen thirties or forties. I have been drawing cars more often now, but this one, created in 2005, is more preferable. I like the body of this kind of vehicle, and my style of drawing, translates well with such cars. I was able to draw it freehand rather easily, because of the certain curves and angles that are similar to drawing a figure. Now I use rulers to incorporate perspective more accurately, in which I did not like doing during this period, because of my disdain for drawings that appeared too "mechanical."
I have learned to embrace it more, as my ideas benefit from the approach.

3. Man Standing In Closet, is a drawing that I am fond of, but it is not quite one of my favorites. I think it turned out good, overall, and the perspective is interesting. It displays various textures, with the ballpoint pen's hatching lines, I drew particularly in the figure. I think his body type is definitely beautiful. I decided to add another figure, in the mirror, reflecting a man standing in the doorway of the closet. It was a last minute gesture, as many of my drawings are when I finalize the overall theme. If it were not, I would have thought more, about the positioning of the man's reflection in the mirror. But the narrative is clear, as I wanted to express that look, of someone entering their closet, to decide what to wear, after a shower, perhaps, and suddenly being interrupted by someone else or something. 

4. The Writer, is a tribute to the process of writing. I have been writing in journals for over twenty years. It is my best friend. Writing for me, can be grueling, but self analytical, in which is very therapeutic to me.

5. Man Standing Before A Mirror, was inspired by the character I named Forde. Forde was inspired by the man I would see in the apartment complex behind mine. He would cut his hair sometimes, then let it grow, and twist it. I drew these different phases, and incorporated stories with them. This drawing, was based on my idea, of him spending a few days with another man, he was intimate with. He is standing in the man's bedroom mirror, smoking. 


Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Threesome & Other Drawings

1. Waterfall                                       

2. The Threesome                             

3. Nude Man Posing Before Sunflowers

4. Moth                                             

5. Couple By The Fire # 2                                     

1. Waterfall, is another drawing of a subject, I used to be interested in drawing. Trees and waterfalls were my chosen ideas of landscapes to create. I like the way this one turned out, with the white of the water, contrasting with the dark rocks. It is interesting to see the visual of water, traveling between solid matter, any way it can.

2. The Threesome, is a subject that I have never been interested in. This drawing turned into the topic, as I continued to figure out how to finish it. I prefer to watch porn, involving two men instead of three or more. There is often that third person, who ends up being left out. It is sad and embarrassing to watch. I cannot imagine actually being that person! And then, they slowly get up and leave the scene, while the two remain. I am sure it depends on the chemistry of the people involved, that determines how well it goes.

3. Nude Man Posing Before Sunflowers, was one of those rough sketches, that I later revisited, after putting it away. I have several layout type drawings, that appear like sketches on Bristol boards, that have been stored away in a portfolio or drawing pad. I decided to add details, see how well the finished drawing turned out. I made the right arm shorter than the left, it seemed, so I had to alter it somehow, to translate better as a finished drawing. It now can be understood as a bending arm, casting a deep shadow, in which makes sense. I decided to also add sunflowers behind him, as a background. I see this now, as homage to my favorite artist Vincent van Gogh, who created several paintings of sunflowers.

4. Moth, began as rough sketch, like " Nude Man Posing..." I was leaving one morning for work, and noticed this moth, chilling on the brick wall, outside of my door. It was very interesting to me, as I paused to get a closer look. The patterns on its wings were so intricate! It was a beautiful design, I thought, while leaving. I returned home that day, and saw it still there, in the same spot. I then decided to go inside, and get my drawing pad. I wanted to draw the essence of what was in front of me, at least. The details were so meticulous, it would have been a very tedious drawing, had I chose to draw it more realistically.

5. Couple By The Fire # 2, was an interesting perspective to draw. I thought it was a good idea to draw the dreads very loose, and lying over the floor, and wrapped around the man's leg, to express how deeply entangled they are in lust. I was experimenting with the darkest wash, that was mixed, to see how dark I can make someone, without compromising my pen lines. It is an important feature to me, when I want to capture various skin tones. I like how he turned out. His complexion is powerful, and aesthetically unapologetic.


Samuel's Blue & Other Works

 I have been drawing trees exclusively in the past months. This is caused by my spiritual transformation. I want to express a more universal...