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Buddies And Other Drawings

1. Buddies                                        

2. Comic Page Fantasy # 3                

3. Dancer                                           

4. Nude Man Writing In A Journal     

5. While My Lover Sleeps                

1. Buddies, is a piece that speaks for itself. It expresses brotherhood, but with homoerotic undertones. This drawing was another " on a whim " piece, created to take a break from my Lynching Blues series. The excessive smoke was added to fill the empty space. It also expresses the men's love of smoking and getting high together, while bonding. Smoke can fill the room, and cause some to cough uncontrollably, but it does nothing to the actual smokers who embrace it, while hanging out together. The washes are light in this piece, in terms of gradation. I would cover the entire sheet of paper with a light wash, sometimes to produce a tint effect. but it appears that I only used this effect on the two figures, because of the glasses they wear. It has a sketch effect, and would look different if redrawn today.

2. Comic Page Fantasy # 3, is the second piece to these two men, making out in the kitchen. They take it further in this sequential art/drawing. It was effective for the moment, these brush renderings, as mentioned before, regarding the no.1 post. It just was not where my heart was. I missed creating with solid lines, too much to continue. There are several trial and error moments, with my art, during this period. The most important factor from it, is whether I would enjoy a certain direction, using the chosen approach. I do not believe in continuing to create from a place of " duty " only, and not experience any enjoyment or continuous satisfaction, even if it is considered to be visually attractive to others.

3. Dancer, was inspired by another hero of mine, Alvin Ailey. His life and vision is a great story, and it is very empowering, that he was an out and open black man during his time. This was very rare, courageous and brave. The beauty of his dances and choreography, such as Revelations, and routine entitled Hermit Song, that I have framed in photo sequences, really touched me as an artist. This piece is a tribute to black male dancers, continuing the craft, spearheaded by trailblazers, such as Ailey.

4. Nude Man Writing In A Journal, was a combination of brush strokes and pen, to draw the lines. It was done on a scrap piece of mat board, giving it a solid backing. This began with a position of a nude man on a bed, without much thought of what comes next. As I continued to draw, it seemed fitting that he is writing, and enjoying it, considering the feet, raised and crossed at the ankles. I like the hairs placed on his legs. Sometimes I take risks with applying hairs on skin with certain ink applications, allowing the possibility of ruining the area, with lines that do not translate well. This can cause it to look less like hair and more like spots. But these hairs turned out pretty good, and I was satisfied. I don't think about if a writer is left or right handed, until after the drawing has been laid out! Then I think " Oh well, everyone is left handed, except me!

5. While My Lover Sleeps, is about the arousing idea of sex being so good between two men, that it puts one or both to sleep afterwards. It is the routine with these two, as the top appears to be used to it. He uses the time to reflect. The title was inspired by a ballad performed by John Coltrane, who is another hero of mine, and my favorite musician, whose music changed my life. The ballad is entitled " While My Lady Sleeps ". 



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