1. Body Machine # 106, is a portrait of affection between men with a romantic, gentle and lustful affinity. The white highlight surrounding them, appears like a charge or glow of life causing their connection. It is a good addition to the composition, especially one in black and white. I like how the nipple play turned out.
2. Body Machine # 107, is another favorite of mine, regarding the composition. The highlight mentioned in number 106, works here also, for similar reasons. It resembles a fire, in which symbolizes the burning passion taking place within this bed. It is a calm, romantic and relaxing image that captures their bodies from a great bird's eye view. I like the differentiation of their sizes, while they are very close and nude.
3. Body Machine # 108, is a reminder that the bottom is a professional bodybuilder. He seriously competes as a goal with hard work and dedication to his body. Bodybuilding displays the figure on a platform to be viewed and judged. This is also reminiscent of the slave auction blocks. It can be considered as objectifying the human form, but porn is also thought of this way. It was relevant to me as an artist, that I showed the human and vulnerable side, of this type of individual. The opinions that he is this monstrous, hyper masculine freak can be easily challenged, with the drawings created in this series.
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