These are the final three pieces to close this series. I really enjoyed creating it, and learned a lot of ways to translate ideas visually, without using a single word. I plan to return to words, and have already begun to do so, because I also love the language of words, when constructed into storytelling. Words have rescued me from a lot of inner pain and struggle throughout the years, as I am also very prolific in journal writing. I have accepted, so far that both writing and drawing can be explored equally to express the ideas that exist in my imagination and personal experiences. One is not necessarily superior over the other, as they both have a significant purpose in my life. I remember being very hesitant to post any of my erotic works, and having butterflies in my stomach with each post! I was absolutely nervous of revealing this side of my art. But I knew it was some of my most important work, that needed to be shared, especially as an gay, black artist. It is very important to tell my own stories and draw what matters to me, instead of seeing someone else do it. It is bigger than I am, this art, and must have a consistent outlet to express itself. It has been given to me, to be shared with others, whether it terrifies me or even turns me off! It exposes the deep areas of my nature that comes through in my interests, fantasies and creative pursuits.
1. Body Machine # 109
2. Body Machine # 110
3. Body Machine # 111
1. Body Machine # 109, is another one of my favorites, because of several reasons. The ink wash blended very well, to produce the shades I wanted to achieve. His facial expression satisfied me, when I completed the entire piece. His size and the positioning of the composition, gives the impression of motion. He appears to be dancing, in a graceful and whimsical manner. The legs really satisfied me, along with the feet, especially the foot placed behind him. The size and shading of that calf muscle going into the foot, with its bare, pale sole turned out beautifully to my fetish! This was also one of those pieces definitely created on a totally unplanned and spontaneous effort ( as most of this series was ) and to see this drawing as the final result, really pleased me.
2. Body Machine # 110, is really the final piece to end the entire series. It shows the bodybuilder winning the top prize in the competition, the gold medal, type of victory. I used mostly the brush for this drawing, to produce bold, black lines. It was a good closing to suggest that he is happy, successful and sexually satisfied in his life. He feels whole and fulfilled, end of story.
3. Body Machine # 111, was a drawing misplaced in the chronological order of my filing. Technically it did not read as the next number whenever I tried to key it in the computer, regardless of how I numbered or named it! It remained separated from the others, and I had to locate it within an unusual area of the folder I created. It had something different with the actual file, perhaps, and I could not figure it out. Visually, I thought this piece should go with the drawings of him masturbating with the dildo. I know some pieces were not created in a chronological order, but this particular one confused me, regarding its placement in the series. But, it is a much welcomed piece, as I did create it. This was also done with less pen lines, and more brush strokes, in which created a softer dreamy finish to it. It was a unique touch, compared to the rest of the series, as it has a more painterly quality.
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