Sunday, November 21, 2021

The Body Machine Series no. 103 - 105


These turned out as solid compositions, that could be displayed singularly, to tell their own story. They are passionate and deeply erotic. The hands are what were especially important to me with these three pieces. I enjoy drawing hands to give gestural and expressive suggestions that highlight the communication between humans. The art of touching can be an exclusive act of erotic love. As a gay man drawing the intimacy between men, is a gift I do not take for granted!

1. Body Machine # 103                  

2. Body Machine # 104                      

  3. Body Machine # 105                           

1. Body Machine # 103, displays another close-up of the muscle bottom on top. I like drawing partial areas of certain figures and scenes, to give a different perspective. It also grants an appreciation for the view, by noticing details, that could easily be overlooked. The angle here is an arousing one to me, because of its focus on the intercourse taking place from this position. The bigger man is seemingly in control by sitting on top, but can still be dominated by certain thrusts penetrating from below.

2. Body Machine # 104, is another one of my favorites. I was definitely unsure how I could nail the interlocked hands between these two, especially from this angle! But this scene turned out better than I expected. I am very proud of it. The hands came together nicely, to express an intensely sexual dialogue between these men. The expressions on their faces enhances my rendering of  interlocked fingers, during a moment of passion. 

3. Body Machine # 105, translates like a romantic poem to me. The surrounding darkness of their combined bodies, with a reflection of glowing candlelight burning nearby. I wanted to capture the massive size of one figure, compared to another. The bottom is wrapped around him and obviously enraptured by what he is experiencing internally. I occasionally scribble ballpoint pen lines, and layer my darkest washes over them to build value. The effect is a textured one, that creates character and mood to my statements.


Sunday, November 7, 2021

The Body Machine Series No. 100 - 102

 I was pleased with the way these turned out overall. It was a relaxing stretch of time and the inner peace and confidence was giving me a strong sense of contentment and ease. The space I discovered within my art was enough to help me cope with whatever challenged me outside of it. I became more loose in drawing the figures, and focusing more on composition. I had spent enough time drawing these two, and it was coming too a point when the story had told what needed to be expressed for me. I accepted that although it was fun to just draw whatever came next on the paper, any proceeding piece could be the final one. Although Ideas did flower in my mind of what else could be created with these two men, I wanted to stay out of the way. I knew it would be clear to me when to stop and move onto other stories and characters. These are three of my favorite pieces in this series.

1. Body Machine # 100               
2. Body Machine # 101                

3. Body Machine # 102                 

1. Body Machine # 100, puts the muscle man on top and I really love the way his thickness was captured here. The less washes that were in my little plastic jars, the better they blended. Although I mixed more washes for later pieces, the amount of water and ink is important for various gradations. The washes that have been used, until there is less become aged and very effective in layering value
to my drawings. The washes that have just been mixed tend to begin separated on the paper, and blend
more with proceeding applications over time.

2. Body Machine # 101, is foreshortened successfully enough to display the physical features I love to draw. The protruding buttocks of the bottom, seemingly wrapped around the top is extremely arousing to view. The mood of the candlelight, that threads through much of this series is what I enjoyed most about drawing it. It unifies the most important part of the story, and that is this top male received his fulfillment of desiring a bodybuilder who he lusted after from afar. 

3. Body Machine # 102, is a piece that really puts me in the actual scene, and causes the feeling of concern for the nipple that happens to be caught between a set of teeth! I hope he tells him to release, when it becomes too painful! But there are those who get a thrill out of rough nipple play. The intensity of the teeth causes alarm, and makes me want to cover my own nipples as a precaution! This piece is really a trip to me, how it turned out. I am glad it became an added addition to this series.


Samuel's Blue & Other Works

 I have been drawing trees exclusively in the past months. This is caused by my spiritual transformation. I want to express a more universal...