Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Body Machine Series no. 96 - 99

At this point in the series, I was beginning a vacation from work, for a week! The plan was to complete as much as I could with my time. I worked on at least two pieces at a time. While the washes were drying on one drawing, I would work on another. My materials were spread out over the dining room table. My ex boyfriend cooked and watched horror movies, like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Final Destination series on cable. I occasionally glanced at the screen, as we talked about various subjects. It was the best example, of what it could feel like to be an artist full time. The flow of ideas were continuing, as I remained out of my own way with any self criticism. This series was becoming more of a leisurely and relaxing experience.
1. Body Machine # 96                 

2. Body Machine # 97                

3. Body Machine # 98                                           

4. Body Machine # 99                                            

1. Body Machine # 96, is a good angle of a close-up of the intercourse from behind. I like the " hills and valleys " perspective of his anatomy. It is one of my most arousing drawings to look at. The details turned out better than I expected. The angle of his face, along with the ballpoint pen shadings, create a solid composition of pen and ink washes combined. The headboard of the bed, is an added bonus for me in creating a foreground, middle and background effect. Erotically speaking, it can represent the ultimate fantasy for a lustful top.

2. Body Machine # 97, captures the intensity of sex and lust, as displayed in the eyes of the top. He is fixated on the " target of pleasure " with such force and consistency, while the opportunity remains available. This was a different approach to create a drawing with scenery in the subject's eyes. I have done this before many years ago, but not involving an erotic nature. The washes turned out surprisingly polished and the penmanship appears fresh, compared to the consistency of previous drawings, in this series. The lips are my favorite part of this piece. The fullness and darker tone, add to the polished smoothness of this particular drawing.

3. Body Machine # 98, brings us back to that symbolic window, mentioned in a previous statement. Facial expressions during sex vary tremendously, depending on how one's senses respond to their experience. I was once told about a different drawing of mine, that the bottom " doesn't look like he is comfortable or enjoying himself. " I believed I chuckled in response, because it was immediately translated to me that this person probably does not get it. I have never seen a sex scene, when the intensity of sexual intercourse was accompanied by smiling faces of joy! I am used to seeing more of a serious and concentrated expression. And yes there too are the moments of pleasure and pain that seems to come with the territory of the act of anal sex. And the smiles that were witnessed seemed more of a show for the camera, if filming took place. But even then it is rare that I have seen this. Especially on the bottom's face while being penetrated. 

4. Body Machine # 99, displays another important symbol in homoerotic art. The scene of auto-ejaculation from the bottom during penetration. This represents the idea of pleasure achieved at its highest capacity for the bottom. This is one of my favorite symbols in homoerotic art, and I was glad to include it in my own drawings. I also believe in drawing what is humanly possible, regardless of its rarity, if it helps to extend my narrative. And because of men having a prostate in which can produce such an experience as hands free ejaculation, it seemed to be a great way to express the joy of gay sex from this perspective also.

Monday, October 11, 2021

The Body Machine Series no. 91- 95

I still was not finished with getting most of my frustrations out through this series. It developed into a great discipline practice for me artistically. Not only was it therapeutic, but it showed me just how dedicated I could be to a specific theme and aesthetic. Something that felt trapped inside of me for so many years, such as my sexuality, needed a safe place to release itself. I began to mentally exist within this intimate space, and explore my thoughts and fantasies. Whether they involved me directly or indirectly, I wanted to observe the scenes that sexual frustration produced in my mind. If I could or would not do them, there are others who did. This is what was exciting and interesting to me. The stories and events that other men were involved with, aroused my imagination. It was not based on things I always heard, these activities. Most of the time there were just hints I understood, regarding what some men really wanted. I understood the depth and need of what was communicated so bluntly. This was expressed in conversations with random men, who too were sexually frustrated. I remember listening to people's fantasies in chat rooms, online or through phone sex. These stories do exist, and I enjoy them because it involves gay men like myself, who are honest about the nature of their desires without shame. I admire this, even if it is not something that influences me directly to participate in. I enjoy visualizing and watching the scenes that play in my mind. 

1. Body Machine # 91                     

2. Body Machine # 92                                           
3. Body Machine # 93                      

4. Body Machine # 94                      

5. Body Machine # 95                       

 1. Body Machine # 91, continues round two of the intercourse between these men. I think the close up, with the oozing semen, turned out beautifully as a homoerotic expression. It displays the fulfilled lust among men desiring men. The male genitalia and the exposure of anuses, sums up the symbolic potency of explicit gay liberation.

2. Body Machine # 92, is a one I really like, because of the posture and showing the man standing on his toes to enter. It shows the slight awkwardness of size and height, when being intimate. The inks blended very well with this piece. The contrasts of light and dark throughout the room was captured successfully. The window has an old school decor about it. It is a window that symbolizes those in the house, that I grew up in. It is a kind of window that comes to mind first, when I have to draw one. Now, many windows are decorated with blinds, and built differently. The cool air would blow the curtains in my room at night, during the summer time whenever our attic fan was turned on.

3. Body Machine # 93, was a simple layout with the ballpoint pen, before layering my washes. It is one of those pieces, that is simple and to the point. I respect it for this alone, as it threads the series into the next drawing.

4. Body Machine # 94, is one that was unexpected and improvised more so than some of the others. I just began a different angle, and the facial expressions came according to however my line choices created them. I do not recall wanting the bottom's face to appear as it did. But I also did not have any clarity on how it would look in this scene. It did not matter much, like in most of these drawings. It was more about exercises, than accuracy or intention. But, I will say the top turned out successfully, with the pleasure expressed in his gesture. His depiction trips me out, because it too was not intentional, but as he was sketched out, it seemed appropriate that he was getting his, when details were added.

5. Body Machine # 95, is the same process as described in number 4. This one also trips me out, because of his facial expression. It is true to life, as this drawing displays motion to me. He is responding to the pounding thrusts of the top. And he is keeping up with the pace of the rhythm. I even drew the symbol, that appears in some comics, in which represents the smacking of flesh. The tongue slightly sticking out, was something new to draw for me, and could have translated unsuccessfully. But I believe it was accomplished very well.

Samuel's Blue & Other Works

 I have been drawing trees exclusively in the past months. This is caused by my spiritual transformation. I want to express a more universal...