I wanted to be as thorough as possible with this series, because of my interest in the two characters. I had created so many drawings, that seemed like introductions to stories. People would ask me " Who is this? " Or " What is this about? " I could not always give a full or satisfactory answer, according to my own opinion. I usually would reply " It's just someone I drew or thought of. " " I just started drawing, and this is what came out on the paper. " Is somewhat of another answer I would give. It was true at the time. There was no necessary philosophy or length of detail to offer, unless the person knew more about me. Because my work tends to be so personal, I was not always willing to give such information. It was the simplest explanation to give them. But besides my then partner, who would see what was left on my drawing table to be finished, no one else saw these pieces. It was strictly for my own enjoyment, at the time. I did have a goal of one day consolidating them into a book of drawings. It is still not too late for such an idea.
1. Body Machine # 86
2. Body Machine # 87
3. Body Machine # 88
4. Body Machine # 89
5. Body Machine # 90
1. I wanted to show the period, when the physical attraction goes deeper beneath the appearance. The two take a moment to converse more about each other. You discover more about character and reveal things about yourself, that could possibly turn the other off, or keep them interested. Regardless, the intimate conversation takes place, face to face. They are engaged with each other, in which expresses another level of intimacy, after sex. It is an important drawing in this series, because it displays another layer of their relationship. They seem willing to get to know each other, when sex is not taking place.
2. In number 87, the second round begins. I like the angle of this one, seemingly that it has been agreed that they both want more. The top is eager to explore more after relaxing and talking. The break added to his curiosity and interest, and he stays longer to continue fulfilling his desire. The more I used the washes, the better the blend turns out, as less water is separated from the pigment of the ink. I use the same mixed washes for years, until more is needed.
3. Body Machine # 88, is another favorite of my, after looking at it now. The thickness of his butt cheeks is captured really well. It is a graphic piece, and done purposely so, to display what took place earlier between the two men. The position of the hands are placed nicely also, giving a good close up composition. The boldness of the ink strokes on, on the darker skin, really accentuates the beauty of this muscular and beefy butt.
4. Body Machine # 89, I think was another rapidly laid out drawing, in which I wanted to squeeze in as much as possible. I gave various perspectives in one piece, without using foreshortening. Some areas are emphasized more, with size, such as the hands and feet. This tends to naturally happen anyway, considering that hands and feet are two of my favorite subjects to draw of the male anatomy. I do believe when there are things you enjoy drawing more than others, they tend to be enlarged to make an unconscious statement. One that expresses your extra attention and favoritism towards them. I have learned to accept this more, even if it distorts the drawing. This is also what develops one's individual style.
5. Body Machine # 90, is more experimenting with hatching to see if I could be satisfied with the results. I would have been, if no ink washes were involved. I prefer heavy cross hatching to be separate from my wash drawings. I build value with washes for shading. I use the pen to hatch for shading when a piece is independent from all washes. This is a personal preference I have learned to accept also, through my years of drawing. This piece gives a different perspective of the main character, as my several approaches make him appear slightly different with each drawing. I am referring to his size and physical features, that are altered, because of various techniques applied. The same is obvious with both men.
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