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The Body Machine Series No. 71 - 75

There began to be a transition near the end of my depressive episode. I used to say " I got my mojo back. " This is before I understood what and how depression works periodically throughout one's life. Depressive episodes tend to last for a duration of about two weeks, I have read. Some periods can be longer for others. It makes since to me, because now I know what is happening during these moments when the " mojo " feels lost! After number 71 was created, I began to feel like it was no longer a Herculean task to continue drawing. I was enjoying the process of creating a story again, as it continued to unfold, and reveal itself to me. It was also revealing myself to me as well. This set from the series, concludes the intimate session, on the floor between the two men. 

1. Body Machine # 71                     

2. Body Machine # 72                    

3. Body Machine # 73                    

4. Body Machine # 74     

5. Body Machine # 75 


1.  Body Machine # 71, is the last drawing during  this particular depressive episode. Afterwards, I began to feel like my mojo had once again returned! His facial expression is my favorite area of this piece. The grimace made, when one is giving it all they have got. And depending on the individuals, sex can be very physically exhausting, when complete. The twisting and curling of the top's feet, also expresses a peak of exertion. I was anxious to move on to another drawing for the series, while finishing details on this one. 

2. Body Machine # 72, is another one that strongly stands out as one of my favorites. The facial expression is also great and intense. It is the explosive orgasmic moment, that can be a spiritual experience. This is the look I see while staring at the scene here. The hand motioning that he is perhaps maxed out, really trips me out! It is a piece that makes me chuckle, as I look at it. It is like a hallelujah moment for him. I enjoyed the process of this one, because it seemed to create itself. This is why I often chuckle at it. The finished piece surprises me. It is also like his body is saying "Hold up, wait a minute!"

3. Body Machine # 73, is a moment when the top feels like he won the battle, and conquered! He laughs and enjoys watching the defeat of his sexual opponent, who stands massive in size. But this is what the bottom wanted to feel like, as he stands, exhausted and worked out. They both are pleased. The man smaller in size, made his point, perhaps again, not to underestimate his appearance. The bottom fairly enjoyed the challenge, but plays along with the 
" power struggle " game. 

4. Body Machine # 74, continues the fun and bragging about who got the best of whom. As it seems to be explained, that this is just round one! The bodybuilder takes a break. While I thought about preparing for a series like this, there were many ideas for creating a comic book. I contemplated the multiple paneled pages and dialogue. But I disliked the process of creating that kind of format. Although I experimented with drawing comics and word bubbles periodically, I was very much interested in the effects of single paneled pages. And I wanted the panels to be wordless and tell the story visually. I researched wordless graphic novels. I was also very inspired by Tom of Finland and Belasco. And the series works of Jacob Lawrence really influenced my decision, to go in this direction. Although, I still played with the idea of text within a few pieces, just to see how they would turn out. 

5. Body Machine # 75, is another one of my favorite pieces from this series. We are reminded that one of the main characters has a pet cat. It also reminds the viewer that there is still a life outside of his own personal desires. He has a responsibility to his beloved cat. It is a precious relationship, that I wanted to add to the series. I liked capturing the hallway scenes in pen and ink washes. It was something new for me at the time. Drawing animals is not one of my favorite subjects, and it was challenging to capture the essence of a cat. I grew up with cats as pets. They are the preferred animal to draw, if I had to choose. I like the contrast of the nude male figure, beside the smaller black cat. I also began to enjoy experimenting with the walking male figure, especially capturing the muscular curvature of legs and feet.



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