Friday, July 23, 2021

The Body Machine series no. 61 - 65

 This was a set of the series I fairly enjoyed drawing. Some of the pieces involve my experimenting more with ballpoint pen ink for shading effects. It gave a textural appearance also. The perspectives were the most interesting to draw of the two figures. There was no assurance of how they would turn out, like the rest of these drawings. Accepting the results as they were, actually was one of the most exciting experiences of this whole series.

                     1. Body Machine # 61

                     2. Body Machine # 62

                     3. Body Machine # 63

                     4. Body Machine # 64

                    5. Body Machine # 65

1. Body Machine # 61, turned out to be satisfactory for me creatively. I liked how the two figures connected in this composition. My point is expressed very directly, and continues the erotic flow of the series, with various positions. 

2. Body Machine # 62, was an experimental pose with the way he squats over the other man. Here I used the ballpoint pen to apply shading over the wash, as I liked the effect it produced. Unaware of the outcome, I can say it did not turn out too bad. It is a solid drawing overall, in a slightly surreal sense. 

3. Body Machine # 63, is a stronger piece, in terms of perspective and proportion. I like this scene, as the bed ties into the composition. I really enjoy drawing beds, the more I create them. The intimacy and design of a bed describes personality and mood to me. The candle compliments the sensuality of the moment.

4. Body Machine # 64, is one of my favorites in this series. The facial expression is poetic and sensuous. The way I captured the enraptured gaze and his mouth, pleases me. 

5. Body Machine # 65, is another one of my personal favorites. I love how the perspective and proportion turned out. I remember sketching this, and trying to make each line and curve count, without over doing it. I tend to feel a sense of nervousness when drawing on pure impulse like this. Often if it has to be drawn again in this method it will be completely different! I did not want to lose the particular spirit I felt, while fleshing this one out. The action displayed in his legs and feet, creates a motion to me, that could not be repeated, if improvised. 


Friday, July 9, 2021

The Body Machine series no. 56 - 60

Body Machine # 56

Body Machine # 57

Body Machine # 58

Body Machine # 59

Body Machine # 60

It seems like I probably enjoyed the sequence of these five pieces. It was a challenge that I welcomed, with having to create this physical position from different perspectives. I know expressing the intimacy of the scene in ink washes, was especially important and rewarding.

1. Body Machine # 56, is the intro to this erotic set. I wanted each scene to flow, as if one were watching an actual film or video. It was the kind of scenes I wanted to see on a screen. 

2. Body Machine # 57, actually excites me, with the way it turned out visually and technically. The position of the probing hands, exploring and caressing his partner is captured very well. This is another example of a good contrast in texture and value, with my chosen medium.

3. Body Machine # 58, was interesting to position the legs and hands anatomically. Sometimes I place myself in certain positions, to make sure the drawn figure is captured accurately on paper. This is actually the joy I experience, using my imagination and memory versus observing another figure. I turn and twist my own hands and legs in an ideal pose or position, on the bed or floor. I then return to the drawing and execute what was just done in my own style. 
4. Body Machine # 59, is another one of my personal favorites, from this series. I love the way it turned out. It also felt like a piece that really helped create itself! I felt confident and even whimsical enough, to just sit at my drawing table, and sketch out what I wanted to see. I do not recall caring much about how it would look. But I knew there was a particular aesthetic, I had hope would appear. And this is what I received on paper, a homoerotic grace, that bodly and vividly expresses itself unapologetically! The hands, feet and facial expression of the bottom really satisfies me. And the indulgence of the top's expression, pleases me too.

5. Body Machine # 60, is a good closing to this set. The eyes can rest on darkened space, while contemplating what was just seen. But knowing what still continues to take place by the gestures of his crossed legs and feet pointing upward. 


Samuel's Blue & Other Works

 I have been drawing trees exclusively in the past months. This is caused by my spiritual transformation. I want to express a more universal...